
As you know, most of the walls and all of the flooring came. So my father and I were supposed to start putting the floor down on Wednesday, but due to the heatwave the past two days, we were able to. Using this time to do some brush up on "What I need to know." I found a couple YouTube videos to help me out.


Day In The Life: How I Turned My Cargo Trailer Into A Mobile Boutique


What A Difference, Enclosed Trailer Paint Job

Looking at all three videos, I notice they painted the walls first before laying the floor. I am super happy I started to do the research. Image doing the floors then trying to paint the walls. It would have been horrible. Since I knew the heat might get worse, I thought it would be best to finally pick the generator so I can start painting. The idea was to run to Home Depot, pick up the paint and generator and spend the night painting. With the generator, I would have the power to get an air conditioner, charge my phone and light. My daughter's father agreed to come down Friday to lay the floors down. But................................

Nothing goes as planned.

I went to one home depot, I got the paint and spent 30 minutes looking for the generator. Found the aisle, but they didn't have the one I wanted. I was told to get to another location 15 minutes away. Finally got to the new store and found the generators but not the ones I wanted. The worker stated he would go look for them. But the box looked too big for my car, so I decided to drive to my mother's house to switch my car out for her van. This pushed me back another hour. At this point, it's 8pm by the time I pull back up to the store. It took the workers 40 minutes to find the dang generator. While they searched, I had an older male talking to me about his BBQ business and told me I could use his military discount. Not only did he wait with me, but he walked me through check out and helped put it in the van.

I pulled up at the trailer around 9:30pm to drop off the generator and the paint. Due to wasting time, I knew it was too late to start painting. I was already exhausted mentally and physically. I ended up getting home around 10pm.


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